7 Reasons To Use Angular For Your Next Web Project

Today, there exist too many web frameworks and that number keeps growing. Wait a couple of months and you’ll probably stumble upon even more new web frameworks claiming to be the ultimate solution to your developer-problems.

With all these different web frameworks existing today, why choose Angular? In this article we’ll give you 7 reasons to use Angular for your next web project. Please don’t worry, I won’t bore you anymore. Instead, let’s get right to the point and see what makes Angular the best web framework for your next project. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What Is Angular?

Angular is a powerful web framework maintained by Google. The main purpose of Angular is developing single-page applications but there’s much more to it than just that.

By using Angular for your web projects, you can create a lot of stuff, from single-page to multi-route applications and static websites. Thanks to the built-in routing, component-based architecture and reactivity, you’ll be able to create fast and user-friendly web applications.

With Angular two-way data binding, developers can easily synchronize data between the model and view, enhancing productivity. Its extensive documentation, rich ecosystem, and seamless integration with other tools make development efficient. Angular offers great performance through its powerful change-detection mechanism and supports robust testing. However, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons of Angular.

While Angular offers a wide range of advantages, developers should also take into consideration its steep learning curve.

10 Reasons To Use Angular

Here are the 10 biggest reasons (according to us) why Angular should be your go-to framework when you’re creating web applications.

Extensive Cross-Platform Support

Angular allows you to build applications not only for the web but also for other platforms like mobile and desktop. By leveraging technologies like NativeScript and Ionic, developers can reuse a significant portion of their Angular codebase to develop native-like applications for iOS, Android, and desktop platforms. This ensures a consistent user experience across multiple devices and reduces development time and effort.

Component-based Architecture

Angular follows a component-based architecture, which encourages modularity and reusability. With Angular, you can create encapsulated components that encapsulate specific HTML, CSS, and TypeScript logic, thus making them highly reusable across different parts of your application. The component-based architecture promotes code maintainability, reusability and easy collaboration with less merge-conflicts.

Great Support For Testing

Angular provides excellent support for testing, which is essential for building high-quality applications. The framework comes with built-in testing utilities like TestBed and Jasmine/Karma, enabling developers to write unit tests and end-to-end tests with ease. Angulars dependency injection system also simplifies the mocking of dependencies, making it easier to isolate and test individual components.

Since it’s easy to integrate third-party libraries to your Angular application, you can also easily utilize test-libraries like Jest.

Strong Community And Fanbase

Angular has a vast and active community of developers who contribute to its growth and provide valuable support. Whether you’re a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced developer facing a complex challenge, the Angular community is always ready to help. The community-driven nature of Angular ensures continuous updates, bug fixes, and new feature releases, keeping the framework up to date and relevant.

Backed By Google

Angular is developed and maintained by Google, one of the most influential IT-companies in the world. This reason alone makes Angular a very good choice of web framework.

Rich Ecosystem And Wide Range of Developer Tools

Angular is a full-fledged framework that provides a complete set of tools and features to build complex web applications.

It’s rich ecosystem and extensive documentation contribute to increased developer productivity.

The framework provides a wide range of built-in tools, such as the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface), which automates common development tasks like generating project templates, scaffolding, testing, and deployment.

The availability of a vibrant community and numerous online resources further aids developers in finding solutions and gaining insights.

Seamless Data-Binding

One of the standout features of Angular is its two-way data binding. It establishes a synchronization between the data model and the view, enabling seamless updates in both directions. This eliminates the need for manual DOM manipulation and reduces the overall code complexity, making development faster and more efficient.

Angular also offers an easy way to bind and update data using reactivity. The standard library for this task was RxJs up until Angular v16. With the release of Angular 16, Signals were introduced, which handles a lot of the functionality RxJs cover.


To sum it up, Angular is a great choice of framework for your next web project. There’s a lot of reasons why Angular is one of the best web frameworks to date.

Since the majority of articles on this website is about Angular and everything around it, it isn’t surprising that we recommend Angular. Given the pros of using Angular to speed-up your web development, you should still take into consideration it’s steep learning curve and complex ecosystem.

Hey! Did you know that we have a lot of other articles about Angular and Angular Material? Browse them here!

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