Learn Angular Without Knowing JavaScript?

I have developed web pages for years, most of them using Angular. Do you want to know what the fun thing is? I had very limited knowledge of JavaScript when I started developing web pages in Angular. That’s true, I improved my JavaScript knowledge while learning Angular.

Learning Angular Without Knowing JavaScript

It is absolutely possible to learn Angular without knowing Javascript.

I totally get why you may wonder this, I do since Angular is a web application framework based on Typescript, which in turn is a superset of JavaScript.

Based on my own experience I would say that learning Angular without knowing JavaScript means that it will take more time to grasp it than a developer who is already familiar with JavaScript. You will need to learn the core concepts of JavaScript and Typescript while you are studying Angular.

Angular is generally considered more robust and complex than many other web development frameworks. Due to this, Angular is less forgiving of people who are unfamiliar with JavaScript and TypeScript. In contrast, frameworks such as Vue.js abstract and simplify many JavaScript functions, making them easier for developers to learn.

My Opinion On Learning Angular Without Knowing JavaScript

If I were to give my opinion on this topic I would recommend you first learn the core concepts of JavaScript and Typescript. This will enable you to get familiar with the languages before digging into Angular.

If you are used to developing in Javascript and Typescript before you start learning Angular you can make sure to focus on specific Angular functionality when learning Angular.

Angular has its own functionality, features, and concepts you need to learn, such as:


It is possible to learn Angular without knowing JavaScript, however, the learning curve will be much steeper than if you would have previous experience with JavaScript or TypeScript.

I recommend you at least get a hang of the JavaScript and TypeScript fundamentals before you start learning Angular. The learning curve for Angular is already steep so you don’t want it to be steeper than it needs to be.

Hopefully, I answered all your questions. Feel free to drop a comment, I appreciate all the feedback I can get on my articles.

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